20 May 2011

Thulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-class

The technology grows faster than the delivery of the technology to make it useful. But there are very few example that technology along with spiritual consciousness, an affection towards distributing  the application to the common man in developing country to make a better world. As a pioneer in Aravind Eye Care System, Dr. Thulasiraj Ravilla has made a big difference in millions of people in India in curing blindness problem.


Here is the living legacy explained:

18 May 2011

The art in motion: Changing Education Paradigms

Why don't we get the best out of people? Sir Ken Robinson argues that it's because we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies -- far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity -- are ignored or even stigmatized, with terrible consequences. "We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says.
A visionary cultural leader, Sir Ken led the British government's 1998 advisory committee on creative and cultural education, a massive inquiry into the significance of creativity in the educational system and the economy, and was knighted in 2003 for his achievements. His latest book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, a deep look at human creativity and education, was published in January 2009.
In this talk from RSA Animate, Sir Ken Robinson lays out the link between 3 troubling trends: rising drop-out rates, schools' dwindling stake in the arts, and ADHD. An important, timely talk for parents and teachers. 


Here is the fun filled video:

15 May 2011

Zero Touch: Student project creates multi-touch ‘touch free interface’

Texas A&M University's Interface Ecology Lab is exhibiting ZeroTouch, a unique optical multi-touch sensing technology, in the ACM CHI 2011 Conference. ZeroTouch allows for zero-force, zero-thickness, completely transparent multi-touch sensing. Unique characteristics enable trivial display integration as compared to other optical multi-touch solutions. ZeroTouch provides a high-framerate, high-resolution solution for robust optical multi-touch sensing in a thin, transparent form-factor.

Here is the link to research website:
Here is the video:

Hardwork + Passion = FINEART come true..

  Here is the big fan of Audi A7 who dreams of fat pocket cars and ended up building brand new one for himself. It takes 285 Pages, a solid printer and 245 hours to get the one on photo as above. The paper made wonder, looks real with the proper background and lighting.

Here is the link explains 245 hours in 2:52 seconds.


07 May 2011

3D transistors coming to life in next Intel processors

Hi folks, Its been so long our computers, laptops and smartphones are powered by 2D planar transistors. As shown in the video by Intel senior fellow, finally the era of 3D coming to processors starting with 22 nm Ivy bridge series processors. It comes with 37% more speed at half the power dissipation. A major upgrade to the processing building block going to spread around entire IC industry in the future. See the video for more information.

here is the video:

02 April 2011

Kinect quadrocopter gets a new mission: 3D mapping

In the future, our flying robot overlords won't just navigate terrain autonomously, they'll also report back to base with detailed 3D maps of everything they've seen -- or at least that's what this homebuilt UAV does in a video released this week. In a nutshell, MIT's combined its room-mapping Roomba with the Kinect quadrocopter radar developed at UC Berkeley, resulting in a flying contraption sure to be the envy of topographers everywhere. We're not sure that the world's robot incumbents will be too happy, though -- perhaps MIT should invest in some laser protection next.


29 March 2011

Quadrocopters juggle balls cooperatively, mesmerize with their lethal accuracy (video)

You've seen one quadrocopter juggle a ball autonomously while gliding through the air, but how's about a pair of them working cooperatively? Yeah, we've got your attention now. The Zurich-based lab that brought us the piano-playing and ball-bouncing quadrocopter is back with a simply breathtaking display of robotic dexterity and teamwork. Like all mad scientists, they call their Flying Machine Arena research "an experiment," though we see it a lot more as a Pong-inspired dance of our future overlords. We all know how far video games have come since two paddles batted a ball between one another, right?

Quadrocopters juggle balls cooperatively, mesmerize with their lethal accuracy (video)